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About me

I was born in Austria in the year 1980.
My mother told me, that I was 2, as I had the first time a pencil in my hand. 
With 5 I joined the "Jazz Dance Group" nearby and with it I was the first time on stage. At around Christmas we always had a dance performance, one of it was to songs of the musical Cats.
I went to the regular Austrian school system and by the age of 12 I was falling for the film industry. We made an excursion to the Bavaria Film Studios and I fell in love with the stories of the "Making of" including "Das Boot" from Wolfgang Petersen and loved it when we (pupils) were asked to act. 
Unfortunately at home no one was happy with it and so I was working at first in a "normal job" in an office, which got more and more boring. Because I am coming from Tyrol I changed into the tourism industry, but still felt the passion for the film industry. I watched every "Making of" I could find. I got more and more unhappy and joined an evening school, which ended with "Matura/Abitur", so I could join a University one day. It took a while, but I opened up about it to a colleague of mine and "bang", he gave me the phone number to an agency and soon I was the first time at a film set. I also found an acting course which I could join and was able to be in some theatre plays. 
On a vacation in Ireland I "endet up" at the "long-live-learning-Festival" and applied for the Griffith College in Cork. I did not expect to get a place there. I backed my bags and flew to Ireland and like back in Austria I had a full time job and visited the college in the evening. So, I came later to the St. John's Central College Cork (JCC) and later to the University of Sunderland in the UK. Because of the change in the studies I changed the job to a part time level. Now I am a freelancer.

Do the background photos

All photos are from my own private collection. 

The background photo at my Homepage was taken in Salzburg/Austria. 

The background photo on this page was taken during driving from France back to Austria. I have to confess that I do not remember the name of the bridge. 
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